SophroSYNC Fitness

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Pascoe Detox

Our livers are our natural detoxifying organs. So when we say β€œdetox” we simply mean: Let’s make sure our livers are happy & functioning optimally! We all know how important it is to keep immunity high & Pascoe has our favourite products to do so! πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Pascoe recommends taking their detox kit once yearly for optimal health. The detox kit includes:
🌟 Lymphdiaral- for promoting lymphatic drainage and lowering inflammation
🌟 Quassia- supports liver and pancreas health
🌟 Juniperus- support kidney and gull bladder health

We love adding in their Basenpowder regularly! This is an Electrolyte Supplement that contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. These are the most essential vitamins and minerals the body needs. Calcium and other minerals are used in muscle contraction and nerve impulses. They control blood pressure and support healthy bones. Electrolytes are needed for our organs and cells to function. The mineral supplement balances acidity and helps repair damaged tissue. Essential electrolytes support a healthy immune system.